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  • Capital: San Salvador

  • President: Mauricio Funes

  • Currency: United States Dollar

  • Continent: North America

  • Government: Presidential system, Constitutional republic

  • Official language: Spanish Language


Government/ Political life

El Salvador is governed under the constitution of 1983. El Salvador Government is a republican government. The Government of El Salvador is headed by a President and is assisted by a council of ministers. El Salvador Governmental system includes El Salvador Executive, El Salvador Legislature, El Salvador Judiciary and El Salvador Military. The president is elected by universal suffrage by absolute majority vote and serves for a 5-year term. Members of the assembly are elected based on the number of votes that their parties obtain in each department and serve for 3-year terms. 


President Obama and The president of El salvador, Mauricio Funes meet in San Salvador

Fact 1:
El Salvador is considered the smallest Central American country.

Fact 2:
It is the only country in central America without an Atlantic coast line.

Fact 3:
El Salvador is known as the “Land of the Volcanoes”. It has some of the most active volcanoes in the world.

Cool Facts

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