"The Savior"
Elizabeth Tran and Angelica
6th period

A Salvadoran judge has issued an
arrest warrant for the former president Francisco Flores, who fled the country after being accused of embezzling millions of dollars that were donated by Taiwan. Flores, who held power between 1999 and 2004 was investigated by congress and the attorney general's office in the wake of allegations by the current president, Mauricio Funes, that Flores received up to $15 million in donations from Taiwan without accounting for them.
Wednesday 7 May 2014 03.50 EDT
El Salvador court issues arrest warrant for ex-president
Thursday 17 April 2014 09.54 EDT
El Salvador: meet the women who dare to challenge the anti-abortion state
Sunday 9 February 2014 22.36 EST
El Salvador's castaway José Salvador Alvarenga returns home

Quintanilla says she was questioned while still under the effect of anaesthetic, handcuffed and brought from hospital to a cell in a police jail. She was accused of having killing ker child. Within 10 months, she was convicted of aggravated murder and sentenced to 30 years in prison. El Salvador has one of the world's strictest abortion laws, with abortion a crime even when a woman's life is at risk. Human rights activists say this has created a system of persecution in the country's hospitals as well as its courts, where any woman and particularly a poor, young woman who loses her baby is suspect. Dozens of women like Quintanilla have reportedly been prosecuted and imprisoned on homicide charges after suffering miscarriages, stillbirths, or obstetric emergencies away from medical attention.

El Salvador welcomes fisherman who survived 13 month journey across Pacific from Mexico to Marshall Islands. The fisherman, who says he survived 13 months afloat in the Pacific Ocean, needed a green light from doctors after suffering from ill-health in the wake of his ordeal, which ended when he washed up on a remote atoll 12 days ago.