"The Savior"
Elizabeth Tran and Angelica
6th period
The arts and crafts determine the creativity of the human spirit. Painting, sculpture, photography, literature or architecture are the arts taken care of and respected in El Salvador. San Salvador is famous for a particular craft because in small towns many people are used to make crafts and then they sell them. There are many things that can be bought in El Salvador, everything made by hand is called "Artesanal". Some examples are hamacas, that are like hanging beds made of nylon that are more comfortable and the hot cotton made.This are mostly used in the sea because it is relaxing and joined with the noise from the waves that come from the sea. That is why people prefere the nylon made because this are less hot and much more soft and obiosly more comfortable. El Salvador also have more arts and crafts for example in juayua, there people make wood.